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  1. Fall Tryouts This Thursday – Gordon College
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Consultations: Game Plan with Mandy

Have you asked yourself:

  • How many sports should my child be involved in?
  • Should I push my child to work harder?
  • Should my child get more playing time?
  • Why doesn’t my child want to play his/her sport anymore?
  • Is my child good enough for a college scholarship?
  • What does my child need to do to get that scholarship?
  • How do I get my child recruited?
  • Should I coach my child?
  • How much money should I pay for workouts?
  • What’s the right fit for my child for high school or club teams?
  • If I’m paying for a club or travel team, how much should the coach be communicating with me?
  • Should I travel far away for my child to play sports…is it worth the financial and time investment?

A youth has an opportunity to develop confidence and participate in a positive experience while appreciating the benefits of hard work and commitment. Mandy can support you in making that happen!!

Mandy has been working with families for over 15 years assisting them with their youth/teens athletic experience from their early education years through college. She serves as an advocate for the families she works with by providing a plan including goals and how to obtain those goals, as well as the ongoing support and hands-on involvement needed for today’s youth and teens to succeed.

Do you have questions about your son or daughter’s athletic experience and/or how to plan their future in sports? So much time goes into your child’s out of school activities. How can you maximize that experience for your child and your family? Consulting with Mandy will help you get a better understanding of what to expect, how to manage your child’s participation in sports and how you can be your child’s best advocate.

Some questions Mandy has spent years consulting with parents are:

  • What should your child’s athletic experience be?
  • How can we use athletics to instill values, commitment, work ethic, community giving and self awareness?
  • How and when do we know if our child can play sports in college?
  • How do we approach our child’s coach?
  • What should we expect from youth sports/AAU/club teams/high school teams and how involved should we get?
  • What should my child be doing for workouts and to strengthen their weaknesses and capitalize on strengths?

Please send your questions!

Mandy answers every Tuesday and Thursday. The first consultation is free. After the initial consultation a fee based plan based on an hourly rate will be established.

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